The State Bank Family Promise Resource Center is located at 238 North Vine Street, Plainfield, IN  46168.  It serves as a vibrant hub where those experiencing homelessness and poverty in Hendricks County can access emergency housing, permanent housing, rent assistance, utility assistance, childcare, transportation, employment assistance and life skills to achieve stability.   It is open to all in need to shower, do laundry, and access computers and phones.   The Center provides an address for our families and a central location where children are picked up for school.  Family Promise Advocates provide all the services and support needed to fast-track those struggling from poverty to sustainable independence.  The Center also houses the offices of the executive director and family advocates.  Lives change within these walls!

238 North Vine St., Plainfield, IN  46168

Open 6-days/week from 9AM-5PM weekdays and 9AM to 1PM on Saturday



Our Brownsburg Resource Center is located at 725 S. Green St., Brownsburg, Indiana.  We provide stability services for those in need and houses additional administrative offices.

725 S. Green St., Brownsburg

Open Wednesday & Friday 9AM to 5PM



Almost Home is an overnight shelter for our families experiencing homelessness!  With the support of the RJS Foundation, we opened the 5,000 sq/ft shelter home with 7 bedrooms in August 2022.  This is is a place where are families can recover from the trauma of homelessness and begin to rebuild their lives. Our Family Advocates provide intense, individualized case management to help the families take the necessary steps toward lasting stability.  Families usually staying with us for 30-60 days before moving into their own home.

7233 E. County Road 300 S., Plainfield


Immigrant Center

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Family Promise Immigrant Services.  As we continue to grow and evolve, it has become increasingly clear that our community is enriched by its diversity. To better address the unique needs of our immigrant neighbors, we have established Family Promise Immigrant Services as an extension of our commitment to serving and supporting every member in achieving sustainable stability.

201 W. Main St., Plainfield


Open Monday – Friday 9AM-5PM

CONTACT:  Katy Beringer

Please contact Katy (above) if you are in need of services or need more information about our services. Office only open by appointment. You may always visit our Resource Center (238 N. Vine St., Plainfield) for walk-in services, Monday – Saturday.