Our Vision
Ensuring everyone in our community has a home they can afford and the opportunity for economic stability.
Our Mission
Transforming the lives of those struggling in Hendricks County, by providing emergency and permanent housing, homelessness prevention and stability services.
Family Promise Resource Centers
Our State Bank Plainfield Resource Center is located at 238 N, Vine St, Plainfield, Indiana. It serves as a vibrant hub where those experiencing homelessness and housing instability in Hendricks County can access affordable housing, child care, transportation, employment assistance and life skills to achieve stability. It is open for those struggling they can eat, shower, do laundry, and access computers and phones. Family Promise Advocates provide all the services and support needed to move families and individuals from poverty to sustainable independence. The Center houses the offices of our Stability Builders Network that works to prevent homelessness, this includes rent and utility assistance. Lives change within these walls!
Our Brownsburg Resource Center is located at 725 S. Green St., Brownsburg, Indiana. We provide stability services for those in need and houses additional administrative offices.
Out Immigrant Services Center is located at 201 West Main St., Level 3, Plainfield, Indiana. We empower and uplift individuals and families in their journey towards successful integration into Hendricks County. Grounded in principles of compassion, inclusivity, and respect for diverse cultures, our center is committed to providing comprehensive and holistic support to immigrants, fostering a sense of belonging and self-sufficiency. Services include basic needs, housing, jobs, education, language classes, and legal assistance. More Info HERE.
Ending Homelessness
Family Promise provides residential housing for 6 families experiencing homelessness in Hendricks County at our overnight shelter, Almost Home. It is located at 7233 E. County Road 300 S., Plainfield. Our Family Advocates provide intense, individualized case management to help the families take the necessary steps toward lasting stability. Families usually staying with us for 30-60 days before moving into their own home.
All Family Promise families receive:
- A temporary home
- Daily case management with Family Advocates
- Childcare
- Assistance securing permanent housing
- Living-wage job placement
- Transportation assistance to school, work, job interviews and appointments
- Linkage with needed social and educational services and public assistance
- Graduate services are provided for up to 2 years to ensure stability
- Bilingual advocacy
Preventing Homelessness
Family Promise assists 150 families each month with intense stability services. These families receive rapid-rehousing and homelessness prevention to stabilize quickly. Our Family Advocates build on the strengths of these families to create long-term stability. All support families receive the following services:
- Weekly case management with Family Advocates
- Rent and utility assistance
- Eviction Prevention through Hendricks County Courts
- Basic needs assistance
- Resource Center with internet access, computers, phone, laundry and showers
- Childcare
- Assistance securing permanent housing or preventing homelessness
- Living-wage job placement
- Transportation assistance
- Linkage with needed social and educational services and public assistance
- Graduate services are provided for up to 2 years to ensure stability
- Immigrant Services – MORE INFO
- Legal assistance – MORE INFO
- Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder assistance – MORE INFO