Hendricks County is experiencing a housing crisis. Family Promise can provide jobs, child care, transportation, food, counseling, support services and lots of love. But we don’t have enough homes for those in need.
This year, we will provide homes for over 100 families experiencing homelessness, but right now have 30+ families still in need of a home. While waiting they are forced to continue to live in shelter programs, hotels, vehicles, doubled-up in close quarters and in inhabitable conditions. This is not acceptable in our community.
We have reached a tipping point in our community. Even with our best efforts, evictions continue. Rent is unaffordable. And those with less than perfect rental histories or prior evictions are being squeezed out of the market. Without additional rental housing stock, homelessness and instability will continue to increase.
Fortunately, there is a solution – HOMES! And we can all be part of the solution!
We are asking every church/organization/business in Hendricks County to find one home for a family that is experiencing homelessness or housing instability through Family Promise.
Provide ONE HOME any way you can:
- Do you own a rental or can you find a rental house or apartment. Ask your congregation/organization/friends/business partners if they own rentals and would be willing to rent to a FP family. FP guarantees rent and stability services for a year.
- Purchase a house for FP use. A home can be purchased, fixed it up and then rented to a FP family. This home becomes a service project and a source of income for you. FP guarantees rent and stability services for at least a year.
- Does your church have homes or parsonages already? Are you a landlord and have properties we could rent? Can we utilize those properties as rentals? FP guarantees rent and stability services for at least a year.
- Do you, your church or business have property it is not using that could be suitable for FP to build affordable housing on for our families? The land could be donated, rented or purchased. Any size project from 1 units to 60 units could be developed. We have investors and developers that can make any project work. This could be a source of income for you.
ONE HOME is the perfect way to get involved in solving the most pressing issue in our community for those who are struggling. We will help and guide you so it is a rewarding experience and potentially a source of income. This is what we need the very most right now!
Learn more by contacting:
Julie Randall, Family Promise Executive Director